M@tsumot0 et Aldostools proposent une version MOD de webMan, apportant notamment le support de 21 langages utilisant des fichiers externes, un installer/updater pour CFW Cobra et NonCobra, le spoof IDPS/PSID, la désactivation des syscalls du cfw, et de nombreuses autres choses encore.

webMAN MOD 1.45.11
Added direct NTFS support to 'Full Edition'
Thanks to deank, freddy38510, bguerville, Zar, Joonie, Estwald.
Added support for auto-mount game when an USB drive is connected
'Check for AUTOBOOT.ISO on startup' must be checked
The USB drives to be checked are the ones selected in /setup.ps3 (except /dev_ntfs)
The game must be named AUTOMOUNT.ISO or a JB game copied to the root of the drive
Version 1.45.10
Removed popup for BAD REQUEST / SERVER BUSY errors
Changed combo R2+TRIANGLE to also disable CFW syscall 8 (Restart is needed to mount games).
To partially disable SC8, go to /setup.ps3 and change PS3MAPI to ENABLE (next to the combo)
Syscall 8 now shows 'Partially disabled' in /home.ps3mapi if it was partially removed
Resized arrays for disable Syscalls (17 -> 16)
Reduced LaunchPad limit from 500 to 300
(This is to avoid system freeze due memory overload)
Adder more boundary checks generating XML of LaunchPad
LaunchPad XML now is scanned only if wm_launchpad.xml exists in /dev_hdd0/tmp
Moved position of 'Rename' in File Manager right-click menu