
[NEWS]PS3 CFW 4.81 FERROX 1.02 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 CFW 4.81 FERROX 1.02   

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[NEWS]PS3 CFW 4.81 FERROX 1.02

Messagepar Attila » Dim 22 Jan 2017 18:16

imageLe CFW Ferrox par Alexander, déjà connu pour le CFW 4.66 est maintenant disponible en CFW 4.81


Recommandation des auteurs : Il est recommandé, après une installation réussie d'un custom firmware, de faire les actions suivantes :
- Restore File System (Recovery)
- Rebuild Database (Recovery)


Built on the basis of 'OFW 4.81 SONY.
PSN / SEN Enabled.
Update from any possibility of CFW (CEX).
Ability to Upgrade from OFW 3.55.
Ability to Downgrade from any CFW with QA active Flags.
QA Flags active if previously enabled.
FEATURE - New look of the XMB (See FERROX Mod Installer below).
FEATURE - Compatibility PS2 games.
FEATURE - Compatibility PSP games in ISO / Minis / Remaster format.
FEATURE - Compatibility with the 'latest version of ReactPSN.
FEATURE - RSOD Bypass Screen Console sufferers RSOD.
FEATURE - 4.81 Keys to start games signed with 4.81 keys.
FEATURE - app_home / PS3_GAME.
FEATURE - XMB Support In-Game Screenshots.
FEATURE - Support Remote Play.
FEATURE - Integrated Package Manager, replaces the classic Install Package Files.
PATCH - LV1: Patched to remove the LV2 protection.
PATCH - LV1: Patched the CoreOS Hash Check to prevent Brick Console Downgradate non-Dehashed.
PATCH - LV1: Peek & Poke.
PATCH - LV2: Peek & Poke.
PATCH - PS3 BT Remote Patch.
PATCH - PS3 BluRay Disc Patch.
PATCH - Disabled Epilepsy Message to Boot.

télécharger Télécharger PS3 CFW 4.81 FERROX
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