Les fonctionnalités sont un spoof de consoleid( IDPS) ou du PSID, une désactivation des syscall, une suppression de l'historique de lancement d'application ainsi qu'une fonction de signature de RAP en RIF.
Le Spoof et la désactivation des syscall est temporaire, jusqu'au prochain redémarrage.
L'homebrew devrait être compatible avec tous les CFW 4.x.
NOTE: DON'T USE HABIB PLUGIN with PSNPATCH Cobra Stealth extensions, as it hangs waiting for dev_habib (writeable flash - disabled by stealth extensions).
The ps2emu switching is already included inside PSNPatch "cobra toolbox" menu (acessible by pressing SELECT in the main menu).
[*] NEW HOMEBREW BLOCKER for PSNPatch plugin (read full usage details in docs);
[*] Homebrew Blocker configurable trough PSNPatch main app TOOLBOX;
[*] Instructions heavily updated to incorporate homebrew blocker - read them before placing questions !
[*] Source code from the homebrew blocker module included with PSNPatch official distribution.
[*] Source code for the PSN Servers lock module included in PSNPatch official distribution.
Homebrew blocker will block known homebrews and ivalid title ids when syscalls are disabled;
It works only from PSNPATCH plugin;
Compatible with cobra and non-cobra (if plugin loader is installed).
Supports old, present and future firmware versions.
When cobra gets updated with its own blocker, psnpatch will detect and use it.
Carefully read instructions to properly understand how it works.
Added support for multiple controller ports including PS3 Media Remote;
Updated syscalls cleaning list to include syscalls 15,200,201,202,203 and 204
The full list of LV2 syscalls disabled by PSNPatch is now: 6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,35,36,200,201,202,203,204
Includes webman-mod 1.45.07 lite version for cobra and non-cobra systems (for optional installation).
More than 1 year (october 2015) since the last change. And PSNPatch is still compatible with every firmware version (CEX)!
Following some users requests, changes were made to support the PS3 Media Remote in the application and updating the list of "cleanable" CFW syscalls.
So, here it is the first 2017 version.
Version 2015.11/A
PSNPatch Interceptor - PSNPatch plugin will detect other tools disabling CFW: will intercept them, do the best cfw disabling, restore psn access, and unloads itself from memory (*)
Stealth3 extension extended from cobra and mamba to non-cobra systems.
PSN access control was much improved and simplified, yet assuring the best protection.
A lot of code clean-up and improvements.
(*) PSNPatch Interceptor was initially made for a seamless integration with webman-mod (for users preferring to use webman-mod shortcuts to disable syscalls), but it should eventually work with any other tools. Read docs for further details.
PSNpatch release 2015.9/A
NEW Version spoofer warning: PSNPatch displays the real and the spoofed cfw version in the main menu - a good version spoofer (when one is available) MUST BE invisible to PSNPatch;
Added PSNPatch toolbox setup of plugin on-boot auto features (auto-spoof IDPS & IDPS) (*);
Improved rebug (lite) detection for proper handling of webman xmb menu icons;
Updated included webman-mod (cobra and non-cobra) to version 1.43.04 (lite version) - webman-mod cobra version should be compatible with every cobra versions (past and future);
Confirmed support for 4.76 CFW with all the CORE functions - just a confirmation: no changes were made in the source code - PSNPatch continues to be firmware version independent
(*) This could already be done directly in PSNPatch plugin by keeping pressed L3+R3+R2 during boot until the "auto mode" message is displayed, but doing it from the PSNPatch toolbox seems to be easier for some users.
PSNPATCH v2015.7/A
New version numbering system (year.month/subversion);
Added support for mamba plugins management - proper identification and plugin management (mamba_plugins.txt);
Included webman 1.42.01 MOD-KW (lite) for cobra/mamba and non-cobra systems;
Re-launch of XMB menu add-ons handling into PSNPatch TOOLBOX (for cobra, non-cobra and mamba, not for rebug);
Fixed a bug in which PSNPatch may crash with with an empty bootplugins.txt file;
Removed superfluous message about "cobra enhanced / cobra extensions" from main menu.
Confirmed support for 4.75 CFW - just a confirmation: no changes were made in the source code - psnpatch being full cfw independent
PSNPatch 4.70.07 [11-APR-2015]
New "STEALTH3" extensions for cobra (*);
non-cobra plugin installer improved for speed and compatibility;
XMB menus handling for WEBMAN removed (webman-mod automatically updates the XMB GAMES menus).
Includes Webman-mod 1.41.35-KW lite edition, english language.
psnpatch.pkg file is now LESS THAN 1MB !!!!

Official support forum: psx-place.com (http://www.psx-place.com/forum/psnpatch/psnpatch-information-releases-125.html)
A) For non-tech users:
B) For tech users:
Cobra syscalls disabling improved to a new level:
A payload is installed in a random LV2 syscall, from where it immediatelly disables CFW syscalls (including its own) without any limitation or turnaround.
This directly bypasses any cobra syscalls table protections by using direct LV2 access (no poking needed).
No need to recompile for each existing or future cobra variant.
Independent from cobra, mamba, any other payload and firmware version.
It restores syscalls: 6(lv2 peek), 7(lv2 poke), 8(semi-lv1 peek / cobra, mamba, ps3mapi), 9(lv1 poke), 10, 11(full lv1 peek), xx(random psnpatch payload)
psnpatch plugin will report "Stealth3 ..." when successfully using this mode.
Version 4.70.06 22/MAR/2015
-- Small "user friendly" update:
"Unlock PSN access when disabling CFW" is extended from "plugin-only" to both application and plugin (NOTE a)
Several performance improvements;
README and FAQ files updated: READ !
a) This will help users having difficulties accessing PSNPatch documentation - where it was explained that the plugin must (should) be used for this.
b) You must read this document BEFORE USING PSNPATCH - no support will be given for questions already covered in this document or in the FAQ list.
Version 4.70.05 15/MAR/2015
psnpatch plugin updated to faster start-up (when locking psn access);
non-cobra plugin-manager updated: faster, safer, smaller and firmware independent (4.XX CEX past and future);
psnpatch deletes app_home from xmb in cobra but NOT in non-cobra (needed for discless start);
source code updated.
psnpatch pkg file was optimized once again: un-install psnpatch and reinstall new version to benefict from the small size.
It has always been a major objective of psnpatch to be made firmware version independent.
This will guarantee that once a new firmware is released, we wouldn't need to wait for KW to release a new psnpatch version as the one already available would be compatible.
Almost everything was made this way: From the CFW disabling, to the IDPS spoofing, passing trough plugin compatibility or rap installs.
The plugin manager for non-cobra WAS not YET like this: A payload for every firmware version was needed.
With the new changes NOW included in 4.70.05,
PSNPatch will "patch" the payload to the currently running firmware version, hopefully making it "firmware independent" as all the other functions.
Some users asked for a ISO loading in non-cobra.
This is not impossible, in fact, loading MAMBA for the job at start-up is easy and works.
But, it does not make sense in psnpatch scope:
Plugin loading in non-cobra firmwares opens the door for non-cobra firmwares to load plugins at boot,
like psnpatch plugin (for things like auto block psn and disable cfw from XMB)
or even a lightweight version of webman to load folder format games.
From here, plugins developers can do whatever they fit appropriate.
In my opinion, what is offered for non-cobra is already very nice.
When we want ISO, NET loading, PS3MAPI, and whatever more we can get from cobra ... we go for cobra
Version 4.70.02 3/MAR/2015
BIG news for non-cobra cfw !
Added auto-boot PLUGINS FOR NON-COBRA CFW !!!
New psnpatch plugin updated to fully run in BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA;
Included webman-mod plugin for both cobra and non-cobra modes;
"Block PSN Access" now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
IDPS auto-spoofing now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
Confirmed compatibility with 4.70 CFW
(this is just a confirmation as no code changes were needed);
4.66.40 - 23/FEB/2015
1.New "SECURITY LAYER" for cobra systems with PSNPatch plug-in:
PSN access locked at start-up until CFW is disabled. The same applies to Firmware version checks and firmware updates trough web.
This is a big security add-on, as the PS3 will return error 80710007 (connection error) and deny PSN connections until the CFW is properly disabled by the PSNPatch plugin.
Just wait at boot for the PSNPatch start-up message to appear and confirm it says "PSN connection locked" - now you are safe from wrongfully connect to PSN without previously disabling the CFW syscalls.
2.Don't forget the optional AUTO mode, which can be configured to automatically spoof IDPS at boot time, making your PS3 permanently mimic the new IDPS without even writing into the console flash memory.
3.Version spoofing removed until remade to answer the new PSN server restrictions.
4.PS2 emulator swapping was removed as not needed any more (all 4.66, rebug 4.65, habib 4.66, etc).
5.psnpatch.pkg file size is reduced to only 1 MB !To benefit from this size reduction, remove and install PSNPatch.
6.Improved compatibility with habib cobra 4.66 internal stealth extensions.
7.Everything, as always, deeply detailed in PSNPATCH documents included with the official distribution available in the proper sendspace links.
Version 4.66.33 14/FEB/2015
New "Auto Mode" for PSNPatch plug-in (a);
Shortcut L3+R3+L2 displays status (current idps, mounted titleID, running contentID and devklic);
"Games Patcher" now patches to version 4.20;
When there isn't a valid user account, psnpatch will NOT install RAPS, EDATs, unlock C00 demos or ps2classics (b);
Cobra Toolbox in rebug, now works only when in "rebug system mode" (b);
Several reviews to the documentation (plug-in & version spoof sections).
(a) To use the new plug-in "auto mode" a very careful read of the documentation should be made. Namely the "psnpatch plug-in" section.
(b) User friendly approach that guides the user to the solution.
Version 4.66.32 17/01/2015
- Le patcher de jeux en version 4.46 est étendu pour supporter les fichiers ISO (*.ISO et *.ISO.0 dans les dossiers /PS3ISO).
- Amélioration des performances du déblocage des démos C00. Une licence sera créée uniquement pour les démos qui ne sont pas déjà débloquées.
- Déblocage automatique du lanceur ps2classics (si nécessaire) lors du déblocage des démos C00.
- Installation/suppression de webman-mod 1.41.XX KW (light edition) pour les systemes Cobra et Rebug 4.65.2.
- Nouveau système de spoofing de version, qui patche dynamiquement le stage2.bin pour le vsh.self spoofé. Lire la doc détaillée.
- Le spoofing des versions 4.46->4.66 et 4.65->4.66 mis à jour en conséquence.
- Mise à jour du plugin psnpatch ( L3+R3+L2 affiche le title_ID monté et/ou le CID et le DEV_KLIC actuellement lancé - C'est des infos techniques pour le futur...).
- Nombreux nettoyage de code et amélioration d'algorithmes.
ATTENTION : la désinstallation d'une version précédente est VIVEMENT RECOMMANDÉE avant d'installer cette nouvelle version.
NOTE: ps2classics a juste besoin d’être installé, et psnpatch créera les licences.
Remerciements spéciaux à aldostools pour l'idée du déblocage du lanceur ps2classics et pour les morceaux de code pour l'ISO PATCHER
Version 4.66.30 21/12/2014
- Nouveau mode Cobra "enhanced" (les extensions stealth sont injecté au run-time. Il n'est plus nécessaire d'installer ou de recompiler le stage2 Cobra);
- Compatible avec TOUS les firmwares CEX 4.XX cobra et non-cobra connu;
- Le code source des extensions stealth Cobra est fournit !
- Ré-activation de la suppression des "community files" (???);
- Un seul "beep" est émis lorsque que le cfw est correctement désactivé;
- Détection des configurations rebug invalides;
- Ajout de nombreux tests de sécurité pour éliminer toutes sortes de "mauvaises" utilisation;
- Beaucoup beaucoup d'optimisation de code et de nettoyage (eboot.bin et fichier pkg plus petit en taille);
- Plugin PSNpatch mis à jour;
- webMAN mis à jour en 1.34 (au 19/Dez/2014);
- docs et faqs mis à jour;
- You can now safely remove stealth extensions: to do-it use a previous psnpatch version or re-install your firmware version;
- When installing a new firmware version, psnpatch plugin will assume enhanced cobra mode at boot time;
- At the moment of this release psnpatch is known to work with every Cobra and non-cobra CEX firmware version from 4.46 up to 4.66 (DEX needs testers);
- A new psnpatch version should only be needed in case of a future firmware version spoofer;
Version 4.66.22 06/12/2014
- Ajout d'un nouveau "Stealth Extensions" pour le prochain Rebug 4.65.2 avec Cobra 7.03;
- Mise à jour du plugin PSNPatch;
- Désactivation du mode OFW semi-permanent - ce n'est pas correctement compatible avec un certain nombre de nouveaux homebrews;
- Mise à jour du Readme.txt et du FAQ.txt;
En Rebug 4.65.2, pour le spoofing automatique de la version en 4.66, rendez vous dans la REBUG TOOLBOX et activez le REBUG SYSTEM MODE.
Version 4.66.02 28/11/2014
* Confirmed support for 4.66 CFW's;
* Included STEALTH EXTENSIONS for 4.66 COBRA based CFW's;
* As usual stealth extensions includes easy spoofer form 4.66 to future versions (read the docs);
* PSNPatch plugin updated;
* Readme.txt and FAQ.txt updated;
Version 4.66.01
Added 4.66 version spoofer for 4.46 and 4.65 COBRA ONLY!
Better detection for REBUG systems running in "normal" or "rebug" modes.
New message to advise switching to rebug mode when detecting running in normal mode;
Cobra extensions for REBUG cobra (4.65 CEX ONLY) (*);
cfw disabling from within rebug-cobra;
bypasses rebug's plugin loading bug (rebug now really loads 6 boot plugins);
webman will not be loaded from bootplugins if already loaded internally by rebug.
Cobra extensions ONLY for 4.46 and 4.65 firmware (REBUG and non-rebug variants);
All non-cobra functions compatible with every 4.XX CFW.
Note (*): Activate "System Mode: REBUG" in REUBG TOOLBOX for higher compatibility.
Note : Version spoofing for REBUG 4.65 is not included as REBUG should be able to spoof itself (as in previous versions).
To update psnpatch plugin, stealth extensions or version spoofing, install & run psnpatch homebrew and follow on-screen instructions;
The ONLY REBUG-Cobra version supported is 4.65;
To be perfectly clear: COBRA FIRMWARES 4.50, 4.53 and 4.55 are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. If you need support to these versions you must use an older PSNPATCH version.
4.65.11 [08/11/2014]
* Improved support for REBUG and REBUG-COBRA sytems;
* Added cobra extensions for REBUG-COBRA (4.65 CEX ONLY) (*);
o CFW disabling from within REBUG-cobra;
o Bypasses REBUG's plugin loading bug (REBUG now really loads 6 boot plugins);
o Webman will not be loaded from boot_plugins.txt if already loaded internally by REBUG.
* PSNPatch plugin updated;
* Cobra toolbox ONLY for 4.46 and 4.65 firmwares;
* All NON-COBRA functions are compatible with EVERY 4.XX CFW;
* Documentation updated to reflect the new changes;
(*) User should activate "System Mode: REBUG" in REBUG TOOLBOX for higher compatibility.
- To update psnpatch plugin, stealth extensions or version spoofing, install & run psnpatch homebrew and follow on-screen instructions;
- The ONLY REBUG-Cobra version supported is 4.65;
- To be perfectly clear: COBRA FIRMWARES 4.50, 4.53 and 4.55 are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. If you need support to these versions you must use an older PSNPATCH version.
4.65.10 [12/10/2014]
New process to detect the "real" IDPS was added for higher compatibility between different PS3 models (*)
"Real" and "Current" IDPS are always displayed after CFW has been disabled in any firmware version.
Reviewed the installation and removal handling for "XMB add-ons for webman".
Some small user interface adjustments.
Both psnpatch homebrew app and plugin were updated.
Version 4.65.09 26/09/2014
* Added special processing for disabling cfw in REBUG COBRA;
* New process for installing and removing stealth extensions;
* Fixed an issue when stealth extensions were disabled that habib 4.65 1.00 stage2 was not properly recovered;
* Fixed semi-permanent OFW mode that was not possible to disable from psnpatch version 4.65.06
* Fixed "no beeps" being issued when disabling CFW with cobra toggled off in Habib's or Darknet0's 4.65;
* Small interface messages adjustments;
* Some minor code clean-ups;
Version 4.65.06 22/09/2014
* support confirmed for habib cobra 4.65 1.00/1.01/1.02;
* support added to darknet cobra 4.65 1.00;
* cobra stealth updated to follow habib's lv2 offsets adjustments;
* psnpatch plugin displays the IDPS only if it was spoofed;
* instructions docs updated - read them VERY carefully;
* FAQ was also updated;
PSNpatch v4.65.05 (09/16/2014)
Added support for habib cobra 4.65 (stealth extensions including readiness for future firmware version spoofing);
Fixed psnpatch plugin to correctly display the new IDPS (when spoofed);
Optimized psnpatch cobra plugin creation for 4.65 compatibility;
Reviewed support for rebug cobra 4.53 (only the needed functions are enabled as rebug cobra already has many things included. no stealth extensions for rebug (*));
(*) using the same kind of approach done by other spoofing tools for rebug. stealth extensions can only be made for rebug if KW gets his hands on rebug's stage2 source code
Version 4.65.01
Added 4.65 version spoof for cobra systems (*);
PSNpatch cobra plugin displays notifications messages on successful cfw disabling and idps spoofing (*)
Cobra extensions updated:
Stealth extensions improved;
Easier cobra version spoofer for future upgrades without the need to recompile or patch cobra stage2 (read detail bellow and see provided files);
Added support for /dev_flash/sys/boot_plugins.txt (great for new cobra cfw/mfw distributions);
Added support for rebug cobra (plugins management and xmb add-ons only);
Version 4.60.01
Cobra version spoofer to 4.60 updated: fixed broken ps2 emulator when version is spoofed (*); cobra core updated to directly support new version spoofed files;
Raps and edats can now be installed from any path in drives usb000 to usb007 or dev_hdd0 (internal hdd);
Drive from where raps are installed can be dynamically adjusted from psnpatch by pressing cursor up/down keys;
Added additional optional configuration file location ( usb001 - left usb port - see docs and psnpatch.cfg example file);
Webman 1.30 updated for the "cobra-only" version (changed to ignore cobra version spoofing that is handled by psnpatch directly) - remove and install to update;
Many many code optimizations;
(*) Thank you Nathan_r32_69 and smhabib for directing me into the hascalc tool. (For a full list of changes read included documentation)
Version 4.55.2
New psnpatch version numbering to be side by side with the last supported CFW.
Auto updates psnpatch plugins, cobra stealth extentions and version spoofing (no needed to remove and re-install when a new psnpatch version is installed).
File "force_cobra_version.txt" can be used to force a new version spoofing over the cfg file (great for updates - psnpatch auto.deletes the file after updating the cfg file)
format "0453 62409 #" - see provided PKG example.
Integrity check temporarily disabled as it is producing some false positives.
Game patcher for firmware 4.46 completely redesigned to support all known file types, versions and variants;
Game patcher for firmware 4.46 new "deep search mode" (scan every game sub-folder - VERY VERY VERY SLOW but works with more games like FFX/FFX-2 - use only if really needed and READ the docs);
Version 2.47
Displays "real" IDPS (from eid0);
PS2EMU switching updated for bc, semi-bc and non-bc consoles (Habib 4.55 1.03+);
PSNPATCH plugin shows startup message with version and currently available cobra mode;
Some additional messages adjustments;
Improved Semi-permanent "OFW mode";
rap import directory is temporary forced to /usbxxx/exdata.
Version 2.45
New semi-permanent "OFW mode" for Cobra.
Added PS2emu (iso/classics) swapping for Habib 4.55.
"Cobra menu" is now "Cobra TOOLBOX"
Some shortcut were remapped to accommodate new functions
Version 2.41
Disables dev_habib (writeable flash) mounting at start-up in cobra 4.55 (install new stealth extension to use);
Version spoofing configuration moved into psnpatch.cfg file (where it should always have been) - see default.cfg and read documentation;
(psnpatch should be able to automatically update psnpatch.cfg file and remove old cobra_version.txt)
Version 2.40
Updated "CFW Disabled" message in psnpatch cobra plugin to inform if using "normal mode" or "stealth extensions".
Added support for HABIB Cobra 4.55.
New stealth extensions for Cobra 4.55.
Version spoofing for cobra 4.55 (spoofs any future firmware version).
When spoofing version in cobra 4.53, stealth extensions are automatically activated.
When removing stealth extensions in 4.53, version spoofing is automatically disabled.
NOTE: After updating to habib cobra 4.55, if you're getting a reported version "X.XX", use psnpatch to disable version spoofing and reboot. if the version continues as "X.XX" just re-install firmware. DON'T GO ON-LINE WITH VERSION X.XX OR YOU'LL BE BANNED !!!
Version 2.25
- Version spoofing for both 4.46 & 4.53 cobra systems !
- New cobra stealth extensions for 4.53 cobra (includes update to version spoofer opcodes);
- In 4.53: remove and re-install NEW cobra stealth extensions to use version spoofer;
- Integrity check updated to solve false positives with some ps3 models and extended to the "files" sub-folders level;
- Certs installation will process ONLY .cer files (when available);
- Small GUI adjustments and code optimizations;
- CFW disabling should be compatible with future 4.55 CFW's (non-cobra) and above.
Version 2.22
Corrects small bug importing cert when spoofing version. if you spoofed 4.46 cobra version with psnpatch 2.21, please use psnpatch 2.22 to remove spoof, REBOOT and activate again.
Spoofs cobra 4.46 firmware to version 4.55 (*);
Imports new certs from files/cert/ when spoofing version.
"cobra_version.txt" is now on files/ (older cobra_version.txt will be deleted at startup);
Integrity check is made when entering cobra menu;
Includes webMAN 1.29;
(*) If you already spoofing firmware version, first disable it then enable to the new version.
Currently only Cobra 4.46 supports version spoofing (using cobra method).
If you're using a cobra 4.53 system, make sure it supports version spoofing BEFORE using-it !
Version 2.20
Cobra 4.46 version spoofing for FUTURE FIRMWARE VERSIONS ! (read docs !!!);
Updated 4.46 Game patching - now scanning: PSN games, installed patches and disk images in /GAMES/ in both internal & external HDD;
New menu for game patching;
Select user acount for RAP/EDAT/UNLOCK with LEFT/RIGHT. Select usb device with UP DOWN.
Version 2.02
- Les extensions Cobra stealth supportent parfaitement le cobra 4.46.
- Support de tous les CFW 4.53 habib cobra edition (jusqu'au 1.04).
- Support du spoofing de la version pour cobra en4.46 et les futurs 4.53.
- Mise à jour du plugin Pnspatch.
- Le plugin Webman est maintenant celui de la release officielle (car il supporte également le combo L3+R3+L2 pour être déchargé de la mémoire). Merci Deank.
Pour installer les nouveaux plugins et extensions:
1. Installer cette version de psnpatch;
2. Depuis le "plugin management menu", supprimer tout ce qui est installé;
3. Relancer la console;
4. Retourner dans le "plugin management menu", et installer tous les éléments;
5. Relancer la console.
Version 2.01
- Plungin PSNPatch mis à jour pour afficher un message lorsque le cfw est désactivé (en utilisant le code de webman 1.27 show_msg() par deank - merci).
- Prise en compte spécifique de webMAN 1.27 (déchargé de la mémoire lorsque le cfw est désactivé).
If previous versions of those plugins are in use, remove and install from psnpatch interface.
Version 2.00
- Plugin cobra PSNpatch mis à jour pour supprimer l'historique d'exécution.
- Le plugin PSNPatch se décharge de lui même de la mémoire après avoir désactivé les syscalls.
- Sécurité du plugin PSNPatch : désactive tous les plugins et relance la console.
- Le plugin PSNPATCH attend 20 secs au démarrage pour éviter les conflits avec d'autres plugins.
- Extensions pour cobra stealth optionnelle pour une désactivation parfaite du cfw (l'ensemble de la table des syscall sera réinitialisée comme un OFW).
- L'interface PSNPatch peut être installée et désinstalée :
* PSNPatch plugin (disable cfw / spoof idps & psid / deletes history / unloads from memory);
* Cobra stealth extensions;
*webMAN special edition (déchargé de la mémoire avec psnpatch);
* Support du XMB webMAN (ajout de "my games" et suppression de "app_home" du XMB);
- Remise en place du support des payloads pour le controle des ventilateur, mais utiliser psnpatch en même temps est toujours non recommander (merci de tester et commenter).
- Version fournit dans un fichier ZIP avec 2 packages: Normal et Stealth.
- Le plugin n'est pas fournit séparément.
- Fourniture officielle UNIQUEMENT sur Tortuga Cove !
- (Note for cobra advanced users and devs: don't fiddle with the "files" folder contents if you don't know what you're doing);
Version 1.06
New vsh plug-in to auto boot with cobra 7.0 systems (the "true-STEALTH" experience) (see footnotes);
Added support for aditional cobra syscalls (these are hard to find, but it is safer to disable them also);
If cobra is detected the current and spoofed Firmware version are displayed;
This version brings news for Cobra 7.0 users. Other CFW users DO NOT NEED to update as ALL PREVIOUS PSNPatch VERSIONS are compatible with EVERY 4.XX versions (even 4.53).
Version 1.05
- Ajout du support de la désactivation de CFW dans Cobra 7.0.
- Version stealth.
- Fichier cfg ajusté pour supporter la version stealth.
Version 1.03
- disable CFW (2 complementary algorithms);
- delete execution history (at psnpatch startup);
- install EDATs;
- unlock PSN (C00) game demos;
- Left/Right selects between valid user accounts (displaying user name);
WARNING: New button mapping (to accommodate newer functions).
[*] NEW HOMEBREW BLOCKER for PSNPatch plugin (read full usage details in docs);
[*] Homebrew Blocker configurable trough PSNPatch main app TOOLBOX;
[*] Instructions heavily updated to incorporate homebrew blocker - read them before placing questions !
[*] Source code from the homebrew blocker module included with PSNPatch official distribution.
[*] Source code for the PSN Servers lock module included in PSNPatch official distribution.
Homebrew blocker will block known homebrews and ivalid title ids when syscalls are disabled;
It works only from PSNPATCH plugin;
Compatible with cobra and non-cobra (if plugin loader is installed).
Supports old, present and future firmware versions.
When cobra gets updated with its own blocker, psnpatch will detect and use it.
Carefully read instructions to properly understand how it works.
Added support for multiple controller ports including PS3 Media Remote;
Updated syscalls cleaning list to include syscalls 15,200,201,202,203 and 204
The full list of LV2 syscalls disabled by PSNPatch is now: 6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,35,36,200,201,202,203,204
Includes webman-mod 1.45.07 lite version for cobra and non-cobra systems (for optional installation).
More than 1 year (october 2015) since the last change. And PSNPatch is still compatible with every firmware version (CEX)!
Following some users requests, changes were made to support the PS3 Media Remote in the application and updating the list of "cleanable" CFW syscalls.
So, here it is the first 2017 version.
Version 2015.11/A
PSNPatch Interceptor - PSNPatch plugin will detect other tools disabling CFW: will intercept them, do the best cfw disabling, restore psn access, and unloads itself from memory (*)
Stealth3 extension extended from cobra and mamba to non-cobra systems.
PSN access control was much improved and simplified, yet assuring the best protection.
A lot of code clean-up and improvements.
(*) PSNPatch Interceptor was initially made for a seamless integration with webman-mod (for users preferring to use webman-mod shortcuts to disable syscalls), but it should eventually work with any other tools. Read docs for further details.
PSNpatch release 2015.9/A
NEW Version spoofer warning: PSNPatch displays the real and the spoofed cfw version in the main menu - a good version spoofer (when one is available) MUST BE invisible to PSNPatch;
Added PSNPatch toolbox setup of plugin on-boot auto features (auto-spoof IDPS & IDPS) (*);
Improved rebug (lite) detection for proper handling of webman xmb menu icons;
Updated included webman-mod (cobra and non-cobra) to version 1.43.04 (lite version) - webman-mod cobra version should be compatible with every cobra versions (past and future);
Confirmed support for 4.76 CFW with all the CORE functions - just a confirmation: no changes were made in the source code - PSNPatch continues to be firmware version independent
(*) This could already be done directly in PSNPatch plugin by keeping pressed L3+R3+R2 during boot until the "auto mode" message is displayed, but doing it from the PSNPatch toolbox seems to be easier for some users.
PSNPATCH v2015.7/A
New version numbering system (year.month/subversion);
Added support for mamba plugins management - proper identification and plugin management (mamba_plugins.txt);
Included webman 1.42.01 MOD-KW (lite) for cobra/mamba and non-cobra systems;
Re-launch of XMB menu add-ons handling into PSNPatch TOOLBOX (for cobra, non-cobra and mamba, not for rebug);
Fixed a bug in which PSNPatch may crash with with an empty bootplugins.txt file;
Removed superfluous message about "cobra enhanced / cobra extensions" from main menu.
Confirmed support for 4.75 CFW - just a confirmation: no changes were made in the source code - psnpatch being full cfw independent
PSNPatch 4.70.07 [11-APR-2015]
New "STEALTH3" extensions for cobra (*);
non-cobra plugin installer improved for speed and compatibility;
XMB menus handling for WEBMAN removed (webman-mod automatically updates the XMB GAMES menus).
Includes Webman-mod 1.41.35-KW lite edition, english language.
psnpatch.pkg file is now LESS THAN 1MB !!!!

Official support forum: psx-place.com (http://www.psx-place.com/forum/psnpatch/psnpatch-information-releases-125.html)
A) For non-tech users:
B) For tech users:
Cobra syscalls disabling improved to a new level:
A payload is installed in a random LV2 syscall, from where it immediatelly disables CFW syscalls (including its own) without any limitation or turnaround.
This directly bypasses any cobra syscalls table protections by using direct LV2 access (no poking needed).
No need to recompile for each existing or future cobra variant.
Independent from cobra, mamba, any other payload and firmware version.
It restores syscalls: 6(lv2 peek), 7(lv2 poke), 8(semi-lv1 peek / cobra, mamba, ps3mapi), 9(lv1 poke), 10, 11(full lv1 peek), xx(random psnpatch payload)
psnpatch plugin will report "Stealth3 ..." when successfully using this mode.
Version 4.70.06 22/MAR/2015
-- Small "user friendly" update:
"Unlock PSN access when disabling CFW" is extended from "plugin-only" to both application and plugin (NOTE a)
Several performance improvements;
README and FAQ files updated: READ !
a) This will help users having difficulties accessing PSNPatch documentation - where it was explained that the plugin must (should) be used for this.
b) You must read this document BEFORE USING PSNPATCH - no support will be given for questions already covered in this document or in the FAQ list.
Version 4.70.05 15/MAR/2015
psnpatch plugin updated to faster start-up (when locking psn access);
non-cobra plugin-manager updated: faster, safer, smaller and firmware independent (4.XX CEX past and future);
psnpatch deletes app_home from xmb in cobra but NOT in non-cobra (needed for discless start);
source code updated.
psnpatch pkg file was optimized once again: un-install psnpatch and reinstall new version to benefict from the small size.
It has always been a major objective of psnpatch to be made firmware version independent.
This will guarantee that once a new firmware is released, we wouldn't need to wait for KW to release a new psnpatch version as the one already available would be compatible.
Almost everything was made this way: From the CFW disabling, to the IDPS spoofing, passing trough plugin compatibility or rap installs.
The plugin manager for non-cobra WAS not YET like this: A payload for every firmware version was needed.
With the new changes NOW included in 4.70.05,
PSNPatch will "patch" the payload to the currently running firmware version, hopefully making it "firmware independent" as all the other functions.
Some users asked for a ISO loading in non-cobra.
This is not impossible, in fact, loading MAMBA for the job at start-up is easy and works.
But, it does not make sense in psnpatch scope:
Plugin loading in non-cobra firmwares opens the door for non-cobra firmwares to load plugins at boot,
like psnpatch plugin (for things like auto block psn and disable cfw from XMB)
or even a lightweight version of webman to load folder format games.
From here, plugins developers can do whatever they fit appropriate.
In my opinion, what is offered for non-cobra is already very nice.
When we want ISO, NET loading, PS3MAPI, and whatever more we can get from cobra ... we go for cobra
Version 4.70.02 3/MAR/2015
BIG news for non-cobra cfw !
Added auto-boot PLUGINS FOR NON-COBRA CFW !!!
New psnpatch plugin updated to fully run in BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA;
Included webman-mod plugin for both cobra and non-cobra modes;
"Block PSN Access" now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
IDPS auto-spoofing now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
Confirmed compatibility with 4.70 CFW
(this is just a confirmation as no code changes were needed);
4.66.40 - 23/FEB/2015
1.New "SECURITY LAYER" for cobra systems with PSNPatch plug-in:
PSN access locked at start-up until CFW is disabled. The same applies to Firmware version checks and firmware updates trough web.
This is a big security add-on, as the PS3 will return error 80710007 (connection error) and deny PSN connections until the CFW is properly disabled by the PSNPatch plugin.
Just wait at boot for the PSNPatch start-up message to appear and confirm it says "PSN connection locked" - now you are safe from wrongfully connect to PSN without previously disabling the CFW syscalls.
2.Don't forget the optional AUTO mode, which can be configured to automatically spoof IDPS at boot time, making your PS3 permanently mimic the new IDPS without even writing into the console flash memory.
3.Version spoofing removed until remade to answer the new PSN server restrictions.
4.PS2 emulator swapping was removed as not needed any more (all 4.66, rebug 4.65, habib 4.66, etc).
5.psnpatch.pkg file size is reduced to only 1 MB !To benefit from this size reduction, remove and install PSNPatch.
6.Improved compatibility with habib cobra 4.66 internal stealth extensions.
7.Everything, as always, deeply detailed in PSNPATCH documents included with the official distribution available in the proper sendspace links.
Version 4.66.33 14/FEB/2015
New "Auto Mode" for PSNPatch plug-in (a);
Shortcut L3+R3+L2 displays status (current idps, mounted titleID, running contentID and devklic);
"Games Patcher" now patches to version 4.20;
When there isn't a valid user account, psnpatch will NOT install RAPS, EDATs, unlock C00 demos or ps2classics (b);
Cobra Toolbox in rebug, now works only when in "rebug system mode" (b);
Several reviews to the documentation (plug-in & version spoof sections).
(a) To use the new plug-in "auto mode" a very careful read of the documentation should be made. Namely the "psnpatch plug-in" section.
(b) User friendly approach that guides the user to the solution.
Version 4.66.32 17/01/2015
- Le patcher de jeux en version 4.46 est étendu pour supporter les fichiers ISO (*.ISO et *.ISO.0 dans les dossiers /PS3ISO).
- Amélioration des performances du déblocage des démos C00. Une licence sera créée uniquement pour les démos qui ne sont pas déjà débloquées.
- Déblocage automatique du lanceur ps2classics (si nécessaire) lors du déblocage des démos C00.
- Installation/suppression de webman-mod 1.41.XX KW (light edition) pour les systemes Cobra et Rebug 4.65.2.
- Nouveau système de spoofing de version, qui patche dynamiquement le stage2.bin pour le vsh.self spoofé. Lire la doc détaillée.
- Le spoofing des versions 4.46->4.66 et 4.65->4.66 mis à jour en conséquence.
- Mise à jour du plugin psnpatch ( L3+R3+L2 affiche le title_ID monté et/ou le CID et le DEV_KLIC actuellement lancé - C'est des infos techniques pour le futur...).
- Nombreux nettoyage de code et amélioration d'algorithmes.
ATTENTION : la désinstallation d'une version précédente est VIVEMENT RECOMMANDÉE avant d'installer cette nouvelle version.
NOTE: ps2classics a juste besoin d’être installé, et psnpatch créera les licences.
Remerciements spéciaux à aldostools pour l'idée du déblocage du lanceur ps2classics et pour les morceaux de code pour l'ISO PATCHER

Version 4.66.30 21/12/2014
- Nouveau mode Cobra "enhanced" (les extensions stealth sont injecté au run-time. Il n'est plus nécessaire d'installer ou de recompiler le stage2 Cobra);
- Compatible avec TOUS les firmwares CEX 4.XX cobra et non-cobra connu;
- Le code source des extensions stealth Cobra est fournit !
- Ré-activation de la suppression des "community files" (???);
- Un seul "beep" est émis lorsque que le cfw est correctement désactivé;
- Détection des configurations rebug invalides;
- Ajout de nombreux tests de sécurité pour éliminer toutes sortes de "mauvaises" utilisation;
- Beaucoup beaucoup d'optimisation de code et de nettoyage (eboot.bin et fichier pkg plus petit en taille);
- Plugin PSNpatch mis à jour;
- webMAN mis à jour en 1.34 (au 19/Dez/2014);
- docs et faqs mis à jour;
- You can now safely remove stealth extensions: to do-it use a previous psnpatch version or re-install your firmware version;
- When installing a new firmware version, psnpatch plugin will assume enhanced cobra mode at boot time;
- At the moment of this release psnpatch is known to work with every Cobra and non-cobra CEX firmware version from 4.46 up to 4.66 (DEX needs testers);
- A new psnpatch version should only be needed in case of a future firmware version spoofer;
Version 4.66.22 06/12/2014
- Ajout d'un nouveau "Stealth Extensions" pour le prochain Rebug 4.65.2 avec Cobra 7.03;
- Mise à jour du plugin PSNPatch;
- Désactivation du mode OFW semi-permanent - ce n'est pas correctement compatible avec un certain nombre de nouveaux homebrews;
- Mise à jour du Readme.txt et du FAQ.txt;
En Rebug 4.65.2, pour le spoofing automatique de la version en 4.66, rendez vous dans la REBUG TOOLBOX et activez le REBUG SYSTEM MODE.
Version 4.66.02 28/11/2014
* Confirmed support for 4.66 CFW's;
* Included STEALTH EXTENSIONS for 4.66 COBRA based CFW's;
* As usual stealth extensions includes easy spoofer form 4.66 to future versions (read the docs);
* PSNPatch plugin updated;
* Readme.txt and FAQ.txt updated;
Version 4.66.01
Added 4.66 version spoofer for 4.46 and 4.65 COBRA ONLY!
Better detection for REBUG systems running in "normal" or "rebug" modes.
New message to advise switching to rebug mode when detecting running in normal mode;
Cobra extensions for REBUG cobra (4.65 CEX ONLY) (*);
cfw disabling from within rebug-cobra;
bypasses rebug's plugin loading bug (rebug now really loads 6 boot plugins);
webman will not be loaded from bootplugins if already loaded internally by rebug.
Cobra extensions ONLY for 4.46 and 4.65 firmware (REBUG and non-rebug variants);
All non-cobra functions compatible with every 4.XX CFW.
Note (*): Activate "System Mode: REBUG" in REUBG TOOLBOX for higher compatibility.
Note : Version spoofing for REBUG 4.65 is not included as REBUG should be able to spoof itself (as in previous versions).
To update psnpatch plugin, stealth extensions or version spoofing, install & run psnpatch homebrew and follow on-screen instructions;
The ONLY REBUG-Cobra version supported is 4.65;
To be perfectly clear: COBRA FIRMWARES 4.50, 4.53 and 4.55 are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. If you need support to these versions you must use an older PSNPATCH version.
4.65.11 [08/11/2014]
* Improved support for REBUG and REBUG-COBRA sytems;
* Added cobra extensions for REBUG-COBRA (4.65 CEX ONLY) (*);
o CFW disabling from within REBUG-cobra;
o Bypasses REBUG's plugin loading bug (REBUG now really loads 6 boot plugins);
o Webman will not be loaded from boot_plugins.txt if already loaded internally by REBUG.
* PSNPatch plugin updated;
* Cobra toolbox ONLY for 4.46 and 4.65 firmwares;
* All NON-COBRA functions are compatible with EVERY 4.XX CFW;
* Documentation updated to reflect the new changes;
(*) User should activate "System Mode: REBUG" in REBUG TOOLBOX for higher compatibility.
- To update psnpatch plugin, stealth extensions or version spoofing, install & run psnpatch homebrew and follow on-screen instructions;
- The ONLY REBUG-Cobra version supported is 4.65;
- To be perfectly clear: COBRA FIRMWARES 4.50, 4.53 and 4.55 are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. If you need support to these versions you must use an older PSNPATCH version.
4.65.10 [12/10/2014]
New process to detect the "real" IDPS was added for higher compatibility between different PS3 models (*)
"Real" and "Current" IDPS are always displayed after CFW has been disabled in any firmware version.
Reviewed the installation and removal handling for "XMB add-ons for webman".
Some small user interface adjustments.
Both psnpatch homebrew app and plugin were updated.
Version 4.65.09 26/09/2014
* Added special processing for disabling cfw in REBUG COBRA;
* New process for installing and removing stealth extensions;
* Fixed an issue when stealth extensions were disabled that habib 4.65 1.00 stage2 was not properly recovered;
* Fixed semi-permanent OFW mode that was not possible to disable from psnpatch version 4.65.06
* Fixed "no beeps" being issued when disabling CFW with cobra toggled off in Habib's or Darknet0's 4.65;
* Small interface messages adjustments;
* Some minor code clean-ups;
Version 4.65.06 22/09/2014
* support confirmed for habib cobra 4.65 1.00/1.01/1.02;
* support added to darknet cobra 4.65 1.00;
* cobra stealth updated to follow habib's lv2 offsets adjustments;
* psnpatch plugin displays the IDPS only if it was spoofed;
* instructions docs updated - read them VERY carefully;
* FAQ was also updated;
PSNpatch v4.65.05 (09/16/2014)
Added support for habib cobra 4.65 (stealth extensions including readiness for future firmware version spoofing);
Fixed psnpatch plugin to correctly display the new IDPS (when spoofed);
Optimized psnpatch cobra plugin creation for 4.65 compatibility;
Reviewed support for rebug cobra 4.53 (only the needed functions are enabled as rebug cobra already has many things included. no stealth extensions for rebug (*));
(*) using the same kind of approach done by other spoofing tools for rebug. stealth extensions can only be made for rebug if KW gets his hands on rebug's stage2 source code
Version 4.65.01
Added 4.65 version spoof for cobra systems (*);
PSNpatch cobra plugin displays notifications messages on successful cfw disabling and idps spoofing (*)
Cobra extensions updated:
Stealth extensions improved;
Easier cobra version spoofer for future upgrades without the need to recompile or patch cobra stage2 (read detail bellow and see provided files);
Added support for /dev_flash/sys/boot_plugins.txt (great for new cobra cfw/mfw distributions);
Added support for rebug cobra (plugins management and xmb add-ons only);
Version 4.60.01
Cobra version spoofer to 4.60 updated: fixed broken ps2 emulator when version is spoofed (*); cobra core updated to directly support new version spoofed files;
Raps and edats can now be installed from any path in drives usb000 to usb007 or dev_hdd0 (internal hdd);
Drive from where raps are installed can be dynamically adjusted from psnpatch by pressing cursor up/down keys;
Added additional optional configuration file location ( usb001 - left usb port - see docs and psnpatch.cfg example file);
Webman 1.30 updated for the "cobra-only" version (changed to ignore cobra version spoofing that is handled by psnpatch directly) - remove and install to update;
Many many code optimizations;
(*) Thank you Nathan_r32_69 and smhabib for directing me into the hascalc tool. (For a full list of changes read included documentation)
Version 4.55.2
New psnpatch version numbering to be side by side with the last supported CFW.
Auto updates psnpatch plugins, cobra stealth extentions and version spoofing (no needed to remove and re-install when a new psnpatch version is installed).
File "force_cobra_version.txt" can be used to force a new version spoofing over the cfg file (great for updates - psnpatch auto.deletes the file after updating the cfg file)
format "0453 62409 #" - see provided PKG example.
Integrity check temporarily disabled as it is producing some false positives.
Game patcher for firmware 4.46 completely redesigned to support all known file types, versions and variants;
Game patcher for firmware 4.46 new "deep search mode" (scan every game sub-folder - VERY VERY VERY SLOW but works with more games like FFX/FFX-2 - use only if really needed and READ the docs);
Version 2.47
Displays "real" IDPS (from eid0);
PS2EMU switching updated for bc, semi-bc and non-bc consoles (Habib 4.55 1.03+);
PSNPATCH plugin shows startup message with version and currently available cobra mode;
Some additional messages adjustments;
Improved Semi-permanent "OFW mode";
rap import directory is temporary forced to /usbxxx/exdata.
Version 2.45
New semi-permanent "OFW mode" for Cobra.
Added PS2emu (iso/classics) swapping for Habib 4.55.
"Cobra menu" is now "Cobra TOOLBOX"
Some shortcut were remapped to accommodate new functions
Version 2.41
Disables dev_habib (writeable flash) mounting at start-up in cobra 4.55 (install new stealth extension to use);
Version spoofing configuration moved into psnpatch.cfg file (where it should always have been) - see default.cfg and read documentation;
(psnpatch should be able to automatically update psnpatch.cfg file and remove old cobra_version.txt)
Version 2.40
Updated "CFW Disabled" message in psnpatch cobra plugin to inform if using "normal mode" or "stealth extensions".
Added support for HABIB Cobra 4.55.
New stealth extensions for Cobra 4.55.
Version spoofing for cobra 4.55 (spoofs any future firmware version).
When spoofing version in cobra 4.53, stealth extensions are automatically activated.
When removing stealth extensions in 4.53, version spoofing is automatically disabled.
NOTE: After updating to habib cobra 4.55, if you're getting a reported version "X.XX", use psnpatch to disable version spoofing and reboot. if the version continues as "X.XX" just re-install firmware. DON'T GO ON-LINE WITH VERSION X.XX OR YOU'LL BE BANNED !!!
Version 2.25
- Version spoofing for both 4.46 & 4.53 cobra systems !
- New cobra stealth extensions for 4.53 cobra (includes update to version spoofer opcodes);
- In 4.53: remove and re-install NEW cobra stealth extensions to use version spoofer;
- Integrity check updated to solve false positives with some ps3 models and extended to the "files" sub-folders level;
- Certs installation will process ONLY .cer files (when available);
- Small GUI adjustments and code optimizations;
- CFW disabling should be compatible with future 4.55 CFW's (non-cobra) and above.
Version 2.22
Corrects small bug importing cert when spoofing version. if you spoofed 4.46 cobra version with psnpatch 2.21, please use psnpatch 2.22 to remove spoof, REBOOT and activate again.
Spoofs cobra 4.46 firmware to version 4.55 (*);
Imports new certs from files/cert/ when spoofing version.
"cobra_version.txt" is now on files/ (older cobra_version.txt will be deleted at startup);
Integrity check is made when entering cobra menu;
Includes webMAN 1.29;
(*) If you already spoofing firmware version, first disable it then enable to the new version.
Currently only Cobra 4.46 supports version spoofing (using cobra method).
If you're using a cobra 4.53 system, make sure it supports version spoofing BEFORE using-it !
Version 2.20
Cobra 4.46 version spoofing for FUTURE FIRMWARE VERSIONS ! (read docs !!!);
Updated 4.46 Game patching - now scanning: PSN games, installed patches and disk images in /GAMES/ in both internal & external HDD;
New menu for game patching;
Select user acount for RAP/EDAT/UNLOCK with LEFT/RIGHT. Select usb device with UP DOWN.
Version 2.02
- Les extensions Cobra stealth supportent parfaitement le cobra 4.46.
- Support de tous les CFW 4.53 habib cobra edition (jusqu'au 1.04).
- Support du spoofing de la version pour cobra en4.46 et les futurs 4.53.
- Mise à jour du plugin Pnspatch.
- Le plugin Webman est maintenant celui de la release officielle (car il supporte également le combo L3+R3+L2 pour être déchargé de la mémoire). Merci Deank.
Pour installer les nouveaux plugins et extensions:
1. Installer cette version de psnpatch;
2. Depuis le "plugin management menu", supprimer tout ce qui est installé;
3. Relancer la console;
4. Retourner dans le "plugin management menu", et installer tous les éléments;
5. Relancer la console.
Version 2.01
- Plungin PSNPatch mis à jour pour afficher un message lorsque le cfw est désactivé (en utilisant le code de webman 1.27 show_msg() par deank - merci).
- Prise en compte spécifique de webMAN 1.27 (déchargé de la mémoire lorsque le cfw est désactivé).
If previous versions of those plugins are in use, remove and install from psnpatch interface.
Version 2.00
- Plugin cobra PSNpatch mis à jour pour supprimer l'historique d'exécution.
- Le plugin PSNPatch se décharge de lui même de la mémoire après avoir désactivé les syscalls.
- Sécurité du plugin PSNPatch : désactive tous les plugins et relance la console.
- Le plugin PSNPATCH attend 20 secs au démarrage pour éviter les conflits avec d'autres plugins.
- Extensions pour cobra stealth optionnelle pour une désactivation parfaite du cfw (l'ensemble de la table des syscall sera réinitialisée comme un OFW).
- L'interface PSNPatch peut être installée et désinstalée :
* PSNPatch plugin (disable cfw / spoof idps & psid / deletes history / unloads from memory);
* Cobra stealth extensions;
*webMAN special edition (déchargé de la mémoire avec psnpatch);
* Support du XMB webMAN (ajout de "my games" et suppression de "app_home" du XMB);
- Remise en place du support des payloads pour le controle des ventilateur, mais utiliser psnpatch en même temps est toujours non recommander (merci de tester et commenter).
- Version fournit dans un fichier ZIP avec 2 packages: Normal et Stealth.
- Le plugin n'est pas fournit séparément.
- Fourniture officielle UNIQUEMENT sur Tortuga Cove !
- (Note for cobra advanced users and devs: don't fiddle with the "files" folder contents if you don't know what you're doing);
Version 1.06
New vsh plug-in to auto boot with cobra 7.0 systems (the "true-STEALTH" experience) (see footnotes);
Added support for aditional cobra syscalls (these are hard to find, but it is safer to disable them also);
If cobra is detected the current and spoofed Firmware version are displayed;
This version brings news for Cobra 7.0 users. Other CFW users DO NOT NEED to update as ALL PREVIOUS PSNPatch VERSIONS are compatible with EVERY 4.XX versions (even 4.53).
Version 1.05
- Ajout du support de la désactivation de CFW dans Cobra 7.0.
- Version stealth.
- Fichier cfg ajusté pour supporter la version stealth.
Version 1.03
- disable CFW (2 complementary algorithms);
- delete execution history (at psnpatch startup);
- install EDATs;
- unlock PSN (C00) game demos;
- Left/Right selects between valid user accounts (displaying user name);
WARNING: New button mapping (to accommodate newer functions).
You can execute the app directly after install.
This will allow you to remove cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
Removing syscall will simulate a official firmware version improving protection level against PSN bans.
Note that after doing this, some homebrew programs (like multiman) will refuse to execute.
Just mount the game backup you want BEFORE using PSNPATCH to disable cfw.
After CFW is disabled you can play the mounted game backup but cannot mount another one.
This "cfw disabling" will only be active until next ps3 reboot.
Press- 3 beeps will inform of the cfw removal success.
If you want to spoof idps and psid, you need to the edit the PSNPATCH.cfg file
(see example).PSNPATCH will scan 2 locations in the following order:
1.) /dev_usb000/PSNPATCH.cfg
2.) /dev_hdd0/game/PSNP11001/USRDIR/PSNPATCH.cfg"
Pressjust to spoof both idps and psid.
Pressto do a "ALL IN ONE": Spoof idps and psid, disable cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
3 beeps will inform of the success disabling cfw.INSTALLING RAPS AND EDATS:
When PSNPATCH starts, it will search for the first valid user account (usually it will be '1', but it can be a different value).
Place RAPs and/or EDATs in the folder configured in PSNPATCH.cfg (usually /dev_usb0/exdata/ in a usb stick placed on the right most ps3 port).
Press - a log will be displayed on-screen listing the processed games by file type
Note 1: Advisable not process more than 20 files at the same time.
Note 2: Once the RAPs and EDATs are installed, you can remove them form the USB stick.
Note 3: RAPs and EDATs are installed in one user account but available to all users.
Note 4: RAPs are installed with the current IDPS (original or spoofed) and will only work with that IDPS active !
Note 5: EDATs are IDPS independent.QUICK USE
If you don't want the user interface, just execute PSNPATCH and keep pressedor
until 3 beeps or get back to the XMB.