
[HB]The Jarred Mind 3 v0.9 : Homebrews PS3 - PS3-Infos

[HB]The Jarred Mind 3 v0.9   

Les differents Homebrew pour votre PS3

[HB]The Jarred Mind 3 v0.9

Messagepar Attila » Mer 11 Jan 2012 14:56

imageThe Jarred Mind 3 est un nouveau jeu par ThatOtherDev sur PS3.
La description parle de bananes et de chocolat :huh: .


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By popular demand: I now present to you the shocking third installment in the episodic trilogy known as Adventures of the Jarred Mind! The banana ball is you! The chocolate rabbit is your friend! The zorbing zebra is your enemy!

So, yeah… I’m not really sure what else to say about this. It’s a gameish thing that runs on PS3. I’m curious of what people think of it. I expect that most people won’t like it. For the haters though I’ll probably be making and posting something else that’s simple but more of an actual game and less lolwut some time soon.

TheJarredMind3 v0.9.pkg officiel :
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